Don’t know how to stop your writing? Here are a few examples on how to end your news post:
— a quote sentence; a “regular sentence” (a “case sentense”) as a quote. This is the most common way to end a news report. You let a subject in the post end it with his/her comments.
An example:

The example above is from The Guardian.
Other ways to end it:
— end with info about a future event that has bearing on the particular bit of news in question.
— with some data, statistics, how some metric changed since last year, like the price of the asset, number of users, or transactions.
— with background info on how the story started (if it isn’t the first post in the series). Or a background on some similar series of events in the industry.
— explain some logic in the post (jurisdiction, what the rules are, or whatever there is to explain). Explaining events, putting them into context is also news reporting.
— or just end with a dry ending (no ending). News does not really need an ending. Your personal column might, but the news report should be neutral.
Remember: “personal” endings, sayings, future predictions, jokes or cheeky comments can easily be misconstrued. Give the reader the facts and let them make their own minds up.
Just end it.